Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 1 - Entrepreneurship

Everyone knows how difficult it can be trying to get from place to place while at college. And not just from class to class, or even downtown! (There are buses for that.) I mean from city to city, whether it be to visit family, go to a concert, or spend a mini-vacation with your friends. Here in Syracuse University there is a not-so-convenient bulletin board in Schine that allows students to post little slips of paper that are either blue or orange depending on whether a person needs a ride or can give a ride to another person. I believe this system can be improved upon.

My entrepreneurial idea consists of creating an online database in which students can log on and post their information instead of relying on little slips of paper that hopefully someone going in the same direction at the same time will read. Not so likely. This website (called Transport Orange, or some other cool title involving a Syracuse label) will be split up into two parts for those seeking rides and those giving them, respectively. Regardless, each person logging on to their website would create their own profile that displays basic information, such as name, contact information, and trip-related specifics (such as how much they are willing to pitch in for gas, etc.).

The split in the website is necessary to keep a barrage of random information being thrown at everyone at the same time. Those students willing to drive would include things like their type of transportation, how many seats they have available, when they are available (be it weekly or just for one trip), and where they are going. A road map would also be included on the site where drivers would map out their route so those seeking rides could see which path was being taken and how long the path would take. Students in need of a ride would post where they wish to go and when they need to go. Perhaps they could receive emails when a person has posted that they are driving to or through where they want to end up. Overall I think it would be a much better system than hand-written, cut-out sheets of blue and orange paper on an out-of-the-way bulletin board.


  1. This would be a very useful system, after spending the last 6 years at the university i didn't even know this bulletin board existed. If some how this could be integrated into a larger online system where students actively go, then a lot few people would need to take buses or planes. The concept is simple enough that i think the system could be built fairly easily.

  2. This idea is awesome! I love that you thought about something that could helps students now. The concept makes sense and could be utilized not only at Syracuse but at colleges all over the nation. This is how the system could develop and create an income source, through other schools (much like the spread of Facebook). Great idea.

  3. Kristin, this is a great idea! This would be incredibly helpful to students not just at Syracuse University, but to college students across America. I really like that it is separated into those who are giving rides and those who need rides. This idea would be great for me in particular because my dad never wants to drive all the way to Syracuse to bring me home. My favorite aspect of this service is the map that allows users to see where a certain route is going. Although you may not be going to the same city, you can hitch a ride that is going into your general area. Out of the blogs that i have read, this is the most plausible that i think you can really pursue with the University. So dream big and help turn Transport Orange into a reality.

  4. I think this is an AMAZING idea. I for one know how hard it is to get from city to city from syracuse and this would make my life so much easier. If you could make this global it would be the best idea ever and we would save gas which would help the environment. Good luck with your project.

  5. YES! This is a great idea. This needs to happen. I know like 6 or 7 people from my town that go to school here and I'm always willing to give them a ride home (or get a ride home). And even if it's to a town near mine or half-way where my parents can meet would be awesome. REALLY CONSIDER going through with this idea because I would love to see it happen! :D
