Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 7 - Networks

Networks are beyond important for my proposed website, Transport Orange.  In fact, without them, my website would not even exist.  If networks did not exist, it could not be created, used, or even thought up in the first place! Networks are what allows different devices to communicate with each other.  Without that ability to communicate, no one would be able to transmit data onto the website or contact each other if they somehow did reach the site.  It would be as ineffective as the bulletin board at Schine.

Another important aspect of networking is the assignment of an IP address and domain name for the website, which act as a source for information to be sent to (and from).  It is necessary for every node on the internet to have an IP address to communicate.  Packets of information get sent from address to address.  That is how information is sent across the internet.  Without networking, the packets would have no where to go and the website would cease to be useful for anyone.  There would be no point to creating it in the first place.  Also, even if the website did somehow still exist, there would be no way for students to send packets to each other, since all of the devices used by students has a unique IP address as well.  Therefore, there would be no way for students to communicate and figure out the rides or share the information that was needed.  The site in general would be extremely unhelpful.

The domain name would simply act as an alias for the IP address so that students don't have to memorize a random 8-bit number.  Hopefully in this case it would be something along the lines of or something similar to that so as to be affiliated with the university.  In order for it be recognized as an educational site, the URL would have to end in .edu.  If it is a branch of Syracuse University, that would come automatically once it is implemented into the system for the school.  Hopefully this site actually becomes a reality someday! I'd love to be able to create a link for students to click on and find all the information they would need to find easy transportation.

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